GlassCalc is a free scientific calculator for Windows.
It allows the user to enter numbers and signs for an operation through the keyboard. This way, the users will not have to press buttons with the mouse. They will be able to type the equation and get a result just by pressing the ENTER key.
The program includes a list of mathematical expressions, grouped under the Function Reference group, that can be entered into the calculator to obtain a result. The program will also show the values for some constants and variables. Every calculation made with the program will remain in the History displayed on the right side of the interface. Users can save that history whenever they want, if they need to see some results of calculations they have entered. It is possible to choose to perform operations using radians or degrees.
The "Settings" option will allow users to configure the way in which the program will work. In the "Appearance" option they can choose the colors that they wish the program to use. They can also choose how often the program will look for updates and the syntax they want the program to use to enter calculations and display results.